The definitive collection of traditional maritime songs from Great Lakes sailors themselves. These songs, numbering over one hundred, were collected by Professor Ivan Walton (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor) in the early 1930′s, and compiled and edited by historian and award winning journalist, Joe Grimm in this wonderful book with maritime illustrations by Louden G. Wilson, many period photographs, and musical scores by Lee Murdock. Wayne State University Press did a magnificent job of capturing the essence of the life of the freshwater sailors in this song book. Includes a CD of a few of the field recordings made by Walton and Alan Lomax in 1938 on Beaver Island in Lake Michigan.
Windjammers, Songs of the Great Lakes Sailors
The definitive collection of traditional maritime songs from Great Lakes sailors themselves. (shopping cart will add $5.00 shipping when you buy a book, cds still ship free to USA)
Price: $34.00
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