Remember the Night of the Phoenix [lee murdock]
Ties That Bind [ian bell]
The Alva C. Dinkey (of the Tin Stack Fleet) [wesley “geno” leach]
Eight Bells [c fox smith]
Just Five Minutes [lee murdock]
Mary’s Child [nathan rogers]
The Lady of Old Maumee Bay [lee murdock]
Up Anchor [traditional]
Ashtabula [david francey]
I Am Still Here [lee murdock]
The View From the Harbor [stephen jones]
The View From the Harbor (2009)
Price: $15.00
Liner Notes
By coincidence, most of the songwriters whose work is covered on this CD are Canadians: Nathan Rogers, Davide Francey, and Ian Bell.
The lineup of musicians is short but sweet. Just one versatile backing vocalist, Sue Demel (of Sons of the Never Wrong), bringing a new dimension in sound, and soaring vocal textures to the songs.
Dennis Stroughmatt plays fiddle on three tracks, and adds the authentic Upper Louisiana Creole dialect to Mary’s Child. Dennis is a fine traditional musician in his own right, as leader of two bands, Creole Stomp (zydeco) and l’Esprit Creole (Illinois-Missouri Creole).
Jim Cox (bass) and Jeff Thomas (percussion) swing into prime form on Lee’s unusual arrangement of The Alva C Dinkey — one of the audio surprises on this release. (Lee picked up this song from poet and working mariner Geno Leach at the Mystic Seaport Music Festival a few years ago).
Thanks to Peter Rindlisbacher for the use of his painting, Midland Harbor.
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