Booking Information

For Booking and Pricing information,
Please Call Joann Murdock 630-557-2742
(9am-8pm, 7 days a week)
Or Email Contact:

You may also visit Artists of Note for more detailed information and to inquire about booking, or to download press releases, and promotional materials including photos and posters.

House Concerts

Did you know? If you’d like to bring Lee Murdock to your home town, consider hosting a house concert. Lee often finds himself with an open day when on the road, and he is one of a growing number of professional touring artists who make themselves available for small (and large) concerts hosted by people, in their own living room. It’s a first-class venue for hearing this music in an intimate setting. Generally, the suggested donations are in the $15-25 per person range.

Lee is also available for sailing clubs, senior luncheons and other small venues on mid-week and daytime performances, around the USA and Canada. Please contact us by phone for more details. 630-557-2742

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